Hope In Bloom Main White
Hope In Bloom White/Multi Cotton Fabric
from Katherine Lenius for Riley Blake Designs
43/44 Inches Wide
Hope In Bloom White/Multi cotton fabric yardage, companion fabric to Hope In Bloom fabric panel and pre-cut fabrics from Riley Blake Designs. Crisp white background with bouquets of pink roses and flowers wrapped in words of encouragement. $10,000.00 to be donated to breast cancer research from Riley Blake Designs.
All fabrics cut directly from the bolt in continuous yardage. Purchases ship in 24 hours.
43/44 Inches Wide
Hope In Bloom White/Multi cotton fabric yardage, companion fabric to Hope In Bloom fabric panel and pre-cut fabrics from Riley Blake Designs. Crisp white background with bouquets of pink roses and flowers wrapped in words of encouragement. $10,000.00 to be donated to breast cancer research from Riley Blake Designs.
All fabrics cut directly from the bolt in continuous yardage. Purchases ship in 24 hours.